What Does a Contingent Fee Agreement Mean?

September 28, 2023 | By Mike Hancock
What Does a Contingent Fee Agreement Mean?

We frequently have callers ask the question of what does contingent fee agreement mean? This means that you don’t pay money to your attorney up front. Payment to your attorney depends on, or_is contingent upon,_ there being some recovery of settlement money or jury award in your case. The payment to your attorney is then a percentage of that settlement money or jury award. You pay your car accident lawyer a percentage of what you recover at the end of the personal injury case.

How Much Is The Percentage?

Hancock Injury Attorneys follows the Rules of Professional Conduct set out by the Florida Supreme Court, which in a typical auto accident or personal injury case, are as follows:

• If we settle your case before the filing of an Answer to the lawsuit, the fee is 33 1/3 percent of any recovery up to $1 million; or

• If your case settles after the filing of an Answer to the lawsuit, through the entry of a Judgment, the maximum fee is 40 percent of any recovery up to $1 million.

In short, if your case settles prior to filing a lawsuit, 33 1/3%, plus costs. If a lawsuit is filed, 40% plus costs.

Why Use A Contingent Fee Basis In A Personal Injury Case?

A contingent fee agreement gives injured people, no matter what their financial means, an even playing field against large corporations and insurance companies. In a typical auto accident case, the insurance company has vast financial resources at its disposal to pay for the costs of mounting a defense against your claim. Using the contingent fee basis makes it possible for people from all walks of life to pursue justice.

Some legal experts also believe that contingency fee basis is a very important part of the justice system in the United States as it serves as an “equalizer” by giving everyone, regardless of his or her social standing and influence, to seek justice. In addition, contingency fee creates a society which promotes the idea that no one is above the law and everyone is accountable for his or her actions.

There are a number of advantages to this type of fee arrangement:

Your Attorney Doesn’t Get Paid Until You Do

By working on a contingency fee basis your personal injury attorney is motivated to move the case as efficiently as possible since he or she is not paid until are. Both you and your attorney have the same goal; to obtain the largest settlement in the quickest amount of time.

Minimizes Risk to the Client

Clients may worry that they may end up owing large legal bills if they lose their case. The contingency fee eliminates that risk. You will have it in writing that if we don’t recover for you, you don’t owe us any money.

What Are The Costs In A Personal Injury Case?

When we take on a client’s auto accident case, we pay for the cost of the investigation, consulting with experts, gathering the medical records, court costs, depositions, and all the other expenses that go into preparing your case. Rather than ask you to pay money for these costs up front, we pay them. Then, we seek reimbursement from you at the end of your case. At the end of your case, we give you an itemized bill showing all of these costs and expenses.

Hancock Injury Attorneys focuses on putting more money in your pocket. We don’t charge a file set-up fee nor do we charge our clients unspecified administrative costs. We are careful with advanced costs associated with your case and work hard to keep these costs to a minimum.

For more information about contingent fee basis in Florida, read more from the Florida Bar’s Attorney’s Fees Pamphlet.

Mike Hancock


People involved in serious accidents experience loss and often don’t know what to do next. Tampa Personal Injury Attorney Mike Hancock has dedicated his career to handling the recovery process for his clients so that their lives can get back to normal.

Mike has excelled in personal injury litigation for over 30 years and even though that’s earned him numerous professional honors, what’s most important to him is meeting directly with you and his commitment to giving you peace of mind.

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