Wesley Chapel Paralysis Injury Lawyer

Losing the ability to walk or move certain parts of your body can be one of the most devastating consequences of a severe accident. Not only could paralysis impact your ability to work, but you may also be unable to participate in sports or other recreational activities you enjoy. Additionally, you could require assistance with daily tasks such as getting dressed.

If you suffered paralysis in an accident caused by someone else, you should speak with one of our dedicated catastrophic injury attorneys right away. You may be entitled to compensation from the person responsible. Our Wesley Chapel paralysis injury lawyers at Hancock Injury Attorneys can help you fight for the financial compensation you need after a severe accident.


What Are The Common Causes Of Paralysis?

There are several types of accidents that can lead to mobility loss. Many of these incidents include trauma to the head or spine. Motor vehicle accidents are some of the most common causes of paralysis. This is due to the weight and speed of most vehicles. Other accidents that may lead to mobility loss include:

  • Slip and falls
  • Trip and falls
  • Sports accidents
  • Defective product accidents
  • Pedestrian accidents

One of our skilled paralysis injury attorneys will assess your case to determine whether the accident warrants a legal claim.

Types Of Mobility Loss

Not everyone experiences paralysis in the same way. There are many forms of mobility loss that can affect many different parts of the body. Some forms of paralysis impact large regions of the body, while others are more localized. They may be limited to a single finger, a hand, a foot, or other small portion of the body.


Paraplegia causes loss of sensation and function below the waist. It can result in the inability to walk or control your bowels. Some people with paraplegia even experience a loss of sexual function.


Quadriplegia affects all parts of the body below the neck and is typically associated with loss of all feeling and functionality in those areas of the body. People living with this condition may need around-the-clock care and assistance with daily activities. No matter what type of mobility loss you are dealing with, our experienced lawyers can work with you to file an injury claim.

How Do You Prove Liability In Paralysis Injury Lawsuits In Wesley Chapel?

In a paralysis injury lawsuit, you are required to prove that it was the defendant’s negligence that caused your mobility loss. A defendant is negligent when they breach the duty of reasonable care they owe to you. Proving that there was a breach in the duty of care is essential to establishing liability and winning compensation. Our knowledgeable lawyers in Wesley Chapel can help you understand how liability works in paralysis injury cases and make sure the right parties are held accountable. Common examples of those that could be held liable for causing your paralysis injury include:

  • Careless drivers
  • Store owners
  • Commercial trucking companies
  • Product manufacturers

Should You Hire An Attorney To Help With Your Case?

Personal injury lawsuits deal with complicated statutes and are difficult to prove without a thorough understanding of state law and legal procedure. If you decided to represent yourself, you may have difficulty with your case.

For example, the defendant or their insurance company will likely push you to accept a low settlement offer very soon after the accident. Attorney Mike Hancock has experience in insurance defense and can warn you about these kinds of tactics. By retaining our personal injury lawyers, you also get our entire team behind you to fight for what you rightfully deserve. This may include recovery for:

  • Pain and suffering
  • Mental anguish
  • Medical bills
  • Rehabilitation and therapy
  • Loss of earnings and earning capacity

Additionally, there is a deadline for filing a personal injury claim. Florida Statutes Annotated § 95.11(3) requires most personal injury lawsuits to be filed within four years of the day the injury occurred. In the days following an accident, it is important for you to focus on your health. Allow our skilled attorneys to handle your mobility loss case.

Reach Out To Our Wesley Chapel Paralysis Injury Attorneys Today

A personal injury lawsuit can help you recover financial compensation after a devastating accident. However, you could jeopardize your chances of success by attempting to represent yourself in court.

Our Wesley Chapel paralysis injury lawyers are prepared to help you hold the responsible parties liable for their actions. Call us today to schedule a free consultation.

Click here for a free consultation so that you can focus on healing while we take care of everything else.