The 5 C’s of Hiring a Personal Injury Lawyer

September 28, 2023 | By Hancock Injury Attorneys
The 5 C’s of Hiring a Personal Injury Lawyer

While finding a personal injury lawyer might never be a problem, finding the right personal injury lawyer could be a bit of a process. Not all lawyers offer the same services for the same prices or have the same background and experience. You deserve to be properly compensated for your accident, but in order to do so you must take the time to find “the one.” Before you hire the first lawyer who promises a settlement, see below our 5 C’s for hiring a personal injury lawyer.

1. Communication

Just like in any relationship, communication is key. How you and your personal injury lawyer communicate is pivotal to your case. They should be prepared to utilize communication for your convenience, whether it be by email or traditional phone methods. If you’re not able to personally speak with the lawyer during your initial consultation call, that’s a red flag. If the lawyer takes long periods of time to get back to you, that’s another red flag. You can tell a lot about an individual simply by the way they choose to communicate.

2. Cost

Cost is a huge determining factor for most people, and it’s an important question to ask in the immediacy. Ask about their techniques in how they charge exactly. Do they charge with a flat-fee? On a project basis? Hourly? The most beneficial form of payment is a contingency fee, meaning they do not get paid until after your financial settlement has been attained. This also guarantees upfront honesty about your case because if they waste your time, they waste their time. Also, a good amount of lawyers offer a free consultation call. If your potential attorney is trying to charge you right from the start, it’s time to say “NEXT”. **

3. Capability

Just because a lawyer has a degree hanging on the wall in their office doesn’t mean they will win your case. Winning settlements in the past is a good way to know that a personal injury attorney knows what they are doing, so do your research. Ask about past cases they have handled and their verdicts/settlements. **

4. Case

A personal injury claim needs a personal injury lawyer, but you must go one step further. Just like every case is unique, every lawyer is different. It’s important to find an attorney tailored to your specific need and situation. Describe the facts in detail so the lawyer can make an honest and complete assessment.

5. Care

This is where it might get tricky. While it’s important to find a lawyer who is experienced, qualified and affordable, finding a lawyer who actually cares can make or break your claim. You want a lawyer who doesn’t look at you as a paycheck in their pocket or as just another case but instead is compassionate about the people they represent and passionate about what they do.

Bottom line, you want a good lawyer whose top priority is to look out for their best interests of their clients. If it’s not, keep looking.

Injured In An Accident?

We want to help you. It’s what we do.  **

If you’re in the process of hiring a personal injury lawyer to help you with your personal injury case, contact us online or call at 813-915-1110 for your free, no obligation telephone conversation directly with attorney Mike Hancock. Our phones are answered 24/7.