When personal injury lawyers talk about traumatic injuries, they’re usually referring to sudden and severe force to a part of a person’s body that requires immediate medical care and treatment. There are special treatment facilities in Tampa, like St. Joseph’s Hospital and Tampa General Hospital, that are specifically designed to treat traumatic injuries. A Tampa catastrophic injury lawyer could apply their experience to fight for all the compensation that you deserve.
What Are Traumatic And Catastrophic Injuries?
Traumatic injures can be caused by blunt or penetrating force or even intense heat. The causes are often motor vehicle, motorcycle or bicycle accidents, falls, construction and industrial accidents, sports injuries, explosions or even criminal acts.
If traumatic injuries are permanently debilitating, they’re often classified as catastrophic injuries.
Types Of Traumatic Injuries

Here are a few examples of some common types of severe traumatic injuries:
- Amputations
- Traumatic brain injuries
- Spinal cord injuries
- Crush injuries
- Damage to vital organs
- Severe burns
- Loss of sight in one or both eyes
- Facial and dental trauma
- Herniated discs
- Shoulder injuries
- Acoustic injuries
Traumatic injuries are often some of the most dangerous injuries one can suffer and they require immediate medical attention. They can be considerably painful and the pain and disability might last a lifetime.
How Common Are Traumatic Injuries In Tampa?
Traumatic injuries are fairly common. The Tampa General Hospital alone treats more than 2,500 trauma patients each year. With any car accident, sports injury, slip-and-fall accident, or other blunt-force trauma, a traumatic injury is possible.
Why Pursue Compensation?
The medical costs of treating a severe traumatic injury are overwhelming. Then there is the financial and emotional distress that accompany these types of cases. In the most tragic scenario, a family member who is a means of support for a family might be lost. It’s for these reasons that pursuing the maximum compensation available for a person’s damages is so important. An experienced and effective Tampa traumatic injury lawyer from our office can assist victims and their families in anything from an auto accident to an airplane crash.
Starting with your initial consultation at our Tampa office, you’ll receive the guidance, compassion and professional advocacy that you’ll need throughout the course of your case. Here are some of the damages that the law allows you to pursue:
- Past medical bills and medical bills reasonably expected to be incurred in the future.
- Past lost earnings and earnings reasonably expected to be lost in the future.
- Permanent disfigurement or disability.
- Pain and suffering.
- Diminished quality of life.
- If the case involves wrongful death, both your family member’s estate and his or her survivors can pursue other substantial damages.
Don’t Trust The Opposing Insurance Company
In the event of a severe injury that was caused by its insured person or entity, the opposing insurance company will do whatever the law allows it to do to try and devalue or even deny your personal injury claim. The opposing agents will act quickly, trying to get information from you before you have the opportunity to consult with a qualified traumatic injury lawyer.
State law doesn’t require you to give the opposing adjuster any information at all about how your accident happened or the nature and extent of your injuries. Let us talk to their adjuster. We know how to avoid their tricks and tactics.
Remember who that insurance adjuster works for. He or she is the employee of the opposing insurance company, and that person’s job is to save their employer as much money as possible on your claim.
We’ve Done This For Other Families Before
Your treatment plan might extend for months or even years in your efforts to achieve maximum medical improvement. Working with a local law firm that knows how to prove fault and damages can drastically enhance any financial compensation that you might receive. We’ve done that for traumatic injury victims before, and we want to do that again for you and your family.
Contact our dedicated Tampa catastrophic injury lawyers to arrange for a free consultation and case review after suffering any type of a traumatic injury that was caused by the carelessness and negligence of somebody else. You deserve to be heard. You deserve full, honest answers to questions that will impact the rest of your life. You deserve a thorough understanding of your legal options. Give us a call today to schedule your free consultation so that you can start your path to a fair and just recovery.