Spring Hill Paralysis Injury Lawyer

Paralysis is the loss of the ability to move and sometimes feel anything in a part of your body. If you suffer a paralyzing injury in an accident, your life could change forever. Paralysis in even a small part of your body is a serious injury. You may need a wheelchair or other mobility aid to get around. You might even require long-term rehabilitative treatment or at-home care.

These consequences are hard to deal with under any circumstances. However, if a negligent person caused the accident that led to your paralysis, it can be even more devastating. State law provides options for those injured due to the reckless actions of others. Our Spring Hill paralysis injury lawyers can help you seek compensation from the party responsible for your mobility loss.

At Hancock Injury Attorneys, our experienced catastrophic injury lawyers will give your case the attention it deserves. Talk to a qualified legal professional from our firm to protect your potential rights to compensation.

What Types Of Accidents May Cause Paralysis?

Serious trauma in an accident can lead to highly damaging injuries, such as paralysis. Motor vehicle accidents are some of the most common causes of mobility loss. The high velocity and significant weight of motor vehicles make them incredibly dangerous.

Motorcyclistsbicyclists, and pedestrians particularly are at severe risk in these accidents due to the lack of protection they have compared to people in cars, SUVs, and trucks. Other potential causes of paralysis include:

Any accident that results in blunt force trauma to the neck, back, or heat can cause damage to the spinal cord and leave a person paralyzed. If you suffered mobility loss after being involved in any of these types of incidents, you should consult a skilled lawyer in the area about your potential legal claim.

Common Types Of Mobility Loss

Paralysis can occur in different ways, and you may experience varying levels of mobility loss depending on the severity of the accident you were in. For some people, the paralysis is localized in a specific area of the body. This may mean losing sensation in a single hand, foot, arm, or leg.


Some people experience loss of function in a large region of their body. Paraplegia occurs when a person loses sensation and motor function below the waist. If you are dealing with this condition, you may experience loss of bowel control and loss of sexual function in addition to mobility loss.


Quadriplegia is even more serious, as it affects all areas of the body below the neck. If you are living with quadriplegia, you may have difficulty performing daily tasks and require long-term at-home care.

No matter the type of condition you have, paralysis can significantly alter the course of your life. Mobility loss could even prevent you from working in the same job you held before the incident. If you were in an accident that resulted in paralysis, our dedicated lawyers in Spring Hill can help you identify the at-fault party and seek compensation.

When Is Someone Liable For An Accident Resulting In Mobility Loss?

Holding another person liable for your accident injuries can be difficult. You must gather enough evidence to prove the other party was negligent. A person or entity is negligent when they have a responsibility to act reasonably toward you but fail to do so. In addition to proving the other party acted negligently, you must show that their actions directly caused your accident and subsequent paralysis injury.

Common examples of negligent parties in these cases include:

Our lawyers at Hancock Injury Attorneys can help you understand the legal requirements for proving liability and identify the responsible party in your paralysis injury case.

Deadline For Filing A Paralysis Injury Claim In Spring Hill

If you believe you have a valid legal claim for a paralysis injury, you should act quickly. According to Florida Statutes Annotated § 95.11(3), you must file your lawsuit within two years of the date the injury occurred.

The court will dismiss your case if you miss the deadline, meaning you will not get the opportunity to collect compensation. Our meticulous attorneys will be able to inform you of all critical deadlines in your mobility loss claim.

You are not required to hire a lawyer before filing a lawsuit, but there are several benefits to having legal counsel. The civil justice system can be complex, and any small mistake you may make in submitting paperwork or submitting evidence could hurt your chances of recovering just compensation.

Even if you choose to pursue a settlement with an insurance company, it is not easy to get the restitution you deserve. Attorney Mike Hancock has worked in insurance defense, so he is aware of the tactics they might use to avoid paying you damages. We can help you fight in court or settlement negotiations to obtain compensation for losses such as:

  • Medical expenses
  • Property damage
  • Lost wages
  • Lost earning potential
  • Pain and suffering
  • Emotional anguish

Working with our attorneys who are experienced in handling paralysis injury cases can improve your chances of getting the compensation you need after an accident.

Contact A Spring Hill Paralysis Injury Attorney Today

Paralysis is one of the most serious injuries you can face following an accident. If you are dealing with mobility loss due to the reckless actions of someone else, you have the right to take legal action.

Our legal team has worked with many injured parties in Hernando County. A Spring Hill paralysis injury lawyer can handle your case while you and your family focus on adjusting to life after the accident. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation.

Click here for a free consultation so that you can focus on healing while we take care of everything else.