Proving Fault in a Side Impact Collision

September 28, 2023 | By Hancock Injury Attorneys
Proving Fault in a Side Impact Collision

Side impact collisions, also known as t-bone accidents, can occur in a number of different traffic situations. Side-impact collisions typically occur when one driver fails to yield at an intersection and collides with the fender or doors of another vehicle. Depending on the circumstances of the crash, either the driver who was broadsided or the driver who did the broadsiding may be at fault.

Sometimes, liability in a side-impact crash is obvious or the at-fault party admits fault. If you were injured because another driver failed to yield at an intersection, that driver’s negligence is obvious. That does not mean, however, that their insurance company will treat you fairly. Hancock Law Firm will make certain that the insurance company will take you, and your case, seriously.

Injuries From Side Impact Collisions

Despite advances in automobile safety, such as side-impact air bags, the doors of a car do not provide very much protection to the driver and passengers. When a driver or passenger is struck from the side, lower back injuries and neck injuries are very common. These types of injuries or other severe injuries can keep you from working for months or longer.

If you were T-boned by another car, you and any passengers in your car will likely have severe injuries. You only have one chance to get the compensation you need. The police may not make a determination of fault in the accident report, if they make the wrong determination. It is very important to enlist the services of an experienced car accident attorney. The experienced personal injury attorneys at Hancock Law Firm can help you establish that you weren’t the one responsible for the accident, and can help you navigate every stage in your insurance claim or personal injury lawsuit.

Our personal injury law firm will gather all evidence of your injuries and expenses to calculate your full amount of damages. We will then take this evidence to the insurance company. If the insurance company is unwilling to fairly compensate you, we will be prepared to take your case before a judge and jury.

Need A Car Accident Attorney In Tampa?

Insurance companies are not looking out for your best interests, but our law firm is. Call the Hancock Injury Attorneys at 813-915-1110 for your free, confidential case evaluation. Our phones are answered 24 hours a day, seven days a week. You can also reach us by e-mail.