When an accident leaves you injured, seeking legal representation for your personal injury claim can seem like an impossible task, especially when you’re also dealing with mounting medical bills. We know that no one ever plans to be involved in a personal injury accident, which is why our team at Hancock Injury Attorneys aims to make the process of hiring a personal injury attorney as smooth and transparent as possible.
You can hire our firm as your legal representation in five easy steps:
1. Contact Our Law Firm
The process starts with either a phone call to Hancock Injury Attorneys, a visit to the firm’s website to fill out a consultation form, or by engaging in an instant chat with people from the law firm.
2. Speak With An Attorney
At Hancock Injury Attorneys, you meet directly with an attorney. The majority of other personal injury firms will have a paralegal or an investigator meet with you and this is a disservice to clients like yourself because a paralegal or an investigator can’t give you legal advice during the consultation, only an attorney can provide you with legal advice during the consultation, and you’re not able to speak directly to the attorney who’d be handling your case.
Once brief information is obtained, you’ll have a telephone call with attorney Mike Hancock for about ten to fifteen minutes. During this call, Mike will ask questions about your accident. You’ll discuss your injuries and any type of lost wages that you may have. During this phone call, Mike will answer any questions you may have regarding your claim.
3. Set Up A Consultation
After you and Mike have decided that our firm can help you, then you will set up a consultation. Traditionally, we hold these consultations in person at the firm’s office. However, since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, the firm has moved to doing these consultations virtually. Mike has held virtual consultations using platforms such as Skype, FaceTime, and Zoom. However, if you prefer to meet in person, we can easily arrange for that at one of our three locations around the Tampa Bay Area.
You can expect consultations to last for an hour to an hour and fifteen minutes. During your consultation, you’ll discuss your personal injury claim in greater detail with Mike. If you and Mike are still in agreement that Hancock Injury Attorneys can represent you in your personal injury claim at the end of the consultation, you will discuss the fee agreement.
4. Discuss Fee Agreement
Our firm works with our clients on a contingent fee basis, which means that we work on your case for free. Fees will only be applied if and when your case is settled with the insurance company. Our fee is based upon a percent of your recovery, typically thirty-three percent.
5. Sign Forms
After discussing the fee agreement, you’ll be asked to sign authorization forms that will allow us to obtain medical records, obtain employment records if your personal injury claim involves a lost wages component, and records to allow us to communicate with your insurance companies. These forms will be sent to you through email to sign electronically, as we try to make the process as simple as possible.
Hiring A Personal Injury Attorney Doesn’t Have To Be Stressful
If you are looking into hiring a personal injury attorney, consider Hancock Injury Attorneys. Attorney Mike Hancock has over thirty years of experience in personal injury law representing clients just like you and getting them the compensation they deserve. Call our team at (813) 915-1110 or contact us online to get your free case consultation today.