In Florida and across the nation, the property owner has a responsibility to make sure that their facility is safe for guests. Every state has different leading causes for various accidents, including slip and fall injuries. Although many of these are the same, Florida is exempt from certain causes that plague other states, such as snow and icy conditions. The mild climate and inviting weather means that many individuals spend time outdoors.
An Overview Of Reasons For Slip And Fall Accidents
A wet, slippery, or unsafe floor causes a large portion of slip and fall accidents. Poor weather, including the rain across the state and the resulting wet surfaces, can be a contributing factor. Other causes could be a recent drink or spill of other liquids or even maintenance. Uneven surfaces might include sidewalks that need repair or steps that are not properly marked.
You can easily trip at a property if you are not familiar with the general obstructions in the area. Accidents might include cords or wires in your path, tripping on debris in a poorly lit location, poor maintenance on stairs, or boxes blocking an aisle. After a slip and fall accident, you should advise the property manager and record the details of what happened. If you decide to file a lawsuit later, you will need this information. Boat decks, pool sides, sidewalks, unpaved walkways, street curbs, construction areas, and other dangers can also cause slip and fall accidents.
Statistics Related To Slip And Fall Injuries
The leading cause of emergency room visits across the nation is for falls, with an estimated 21.3% of all cases. More than one million ER visits or about 12% are due to slip and fall accidents. The resulting injuries cost North America a staggering $36 billion annually or more than $100 million each day.
Florida boasts a huge tourism industry, including numerous public places, hotels, amusement parks, theaters, and restaurants. The number one reason for accidents in these types of facilities is slips and falls.
Even so, many slip and fall injuries, including those resulting in death, happen at home, and about 50% of all accidental deaths at home are due to a fall. Most of these are not due to falling off a ladder, roof, or elevated area, but are due to a fall at ground level.
However, slip and fall injuries are not only found during recreational activities or in the home. The National Safety Council reports that costs associated with on-the-job slip and fall accidents are an estimated $70 billion each year. If you suffer an on-the-job injury, you could pursue a workers’ compensation claim. However, slip and fall accidents can be the fault of a responsible party, which might mean you could file a separate and additional claim.
Contact Hancock Injury Attorneys
As with other personal injury lawsuits, a slip-and-fall victim will suffer injuries and a time of recovery; expensive medical costs; time off work and lost income; and pain and suffering. However, Florida law mandates that you must take action within two years of the incident, or you will lose the right to file a claim. Our personal injury lawyers will listen empathetically and go over the facts of your case to see if you could qualify for compensation after your accident. Contact us today!