Security Footage of Your Motor Vehicle Accident

September 28, 2023 | By Hancock Injury Attorneys
Security Footage of Your Motor Vehicle Accident

If you are considering filing an insurance claim or personal injury lawsuit following a motor vehicle accident, then gathering proof of the other driver’s negligence is crucial. Yes, accident and police reports, accident scene pictures, witness statements, medical records, and expert testimonies are invaluable. But, security footage that shows how the crash occurred in real-time can likewise be invaluable to your case.

While you may face issues trying to get security footage of your auto accident, it’s still possible to get them. If you need assistance with gathering this evidence or any aspect of your case, consulting with a Tampa motorcycle accident lawyer can be instrumental in navigating these complexities and enhancing your chances of a favorable outcome.

Getting Traffic Camera Footage Of An Auto Accident

A skilled Tampa motor vehicle accident lawyer can help you get security footage from traffic cameras that the government or private companies may own. Your lawyer will have to send a subpoena to get the footage you need to support your claim.

It’s common to request a copy of traffic camera accident footage. But, it’s also a common procedure for entities to only release such videos under a court order. It is also vital to note that some traffic cameras erase footage after a day or two. This means that you must call a lawyer as soon as possible after the accident to secure footage of the crash.

Obtaining Surveillance Footage From Private Cameras

Traffic cameras are not your only source of accident security footage. Plenty of shops, restaurants, cafes, bars, stores, and other businesses use CCTV cameras for security. You can usually find these cameras inside and outside the store.

CCTV cameras usually record real-time footage of all kinds of accidents. ATMs are also excellent sources of video footage. These machines have cameras in front to record user transactions but can also record an accident in front of them.

Yet, you don’t have a guarantee that you’ll get a copy of the footage. Some businesses archive their surveillance footage, but others delete it or record over it after a couple of days. To get the footage, you must reach out to the owners as quickly as you can. But be prepared to get some pushback because, legally, businesses are not obligated to release their security video.

Yet, if you have your Tampa auto accident attorney to communicate with the CCTV camera owners, you may be able to secure the footage on time.

Consult With An Experienced Tampa Motor Vehicle Accident Attorney Today

Ultimately, time is of the essence when it comes to securing security footage of your motor vehicle crash. As mentioned, security footage can be lost if you fail to persuade the owners to give you a copy of the footage you need to help with your claim.

If you’ve suffered serious injuries in a motor vehicle crash in Florida, get in touch with the Hancock Injury Attorneys now. Our Tampa motor vehicle accident attorney can review the details of the crash, get proper evidence to strengthen your claim and prove your accident-related losses. To talk about your legal options in a free case evaluation, call 813-915-1110 or contact us online.